One year, all nations - the mad odyssey of a man.

Graham Hughes is attempting to set a new world record by setting foot in every nation on planet Earth in just one year, without flying, hitching or driving.

And these are the rules he’s going to play by:

1) He must physically step foot on dry land within the continuous border of every nation state of the UN within one year. There are 192 member states in the UN.
2) He may not fly
3) He may not drive
4) He must use public transport as much as possible

This man is crazy - but i LIKE! Because crazy, irrational people are the people that make things happen!

Will I ever do something like that? Maybe, but not in a year. Time is too precious to waste like that, spending only 2 days in each country. Maybe 3, or 4 years. ;)

Godspeed, Graham!

Original post at garry blogs

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